The Parent/Guardian Pledge:
- I will provide a quiet place for my student to study.
- I will encourage my student to complete his/ her homework and turn it in on time.
- I will make sure my student gets an adequate night’s sleep.
- I will see to it that my student arrives at school on time every day.
- I will make an effort to attend Back-To-School Night, Open House, Parent Conferences and Student-led Conferences.
- I will welcome opportunities to collaborate with my student’s teachers and to reinforce educational objectives at home by cooperating and participating whenever possible in parent meetings and/ or trainings offered on campus.
- I will communicate with my student and his/her teachers in a timely manner in trying to resolve any academic/behavioral issues before contacting the counselor and/ or administration.
- I will facilitate my student’s use of all technology in a responsible manner that supports academic achievement.