King/Drew Magnet High School Of Medicine And Science

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Honor Policy

King/Drew Magnet High School is committed to pursuing excellence with honor. It is the responsibility of the entire community—teachers, students, administrators, support staff and parents—to help ensure that each student has an equal opportunity to demonstrate his or her skills and knowledge.


Our Honor Policy is in place to address the following:


Cheating: (An attempt to obscure information vital to assessing student work)

Includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Obtaining and/ or providing knowledge beforehand about an assignment or exam in an unauthorized manner
  • Allowing another student to submit academic work or take an evaluation for you in place of oneself
  • Using unauthorized materials or study aids (textbook, notes, calculator, computer, or any other electronic device, etc.) during an exam or an assignment
  • Looking at another’s work to gain an unfair advantage


Plagiarism: (To steal or pass off ideas or words of another as one’s own without clearly crediting the source of the information)

  • Includes but is not limited to the following:
  • Submitting, as one’s own work through copying, copy and paste, purchase or otherwise, part or all of someone else’s work
  • Paraphrasing ideas or writing without properly citing the source
  • The unauthorized transfer and use of someone else’s work as one’s own


Facilitating Dishonesty: (Participating in any action that compromises the integrity of other students, of King/Drew, or in assisting another to commit an act of dishonesty.)

Includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Allowing another student to copy or use your work
  • Providing material or other information that is not authorized to another student
  • Fraudulent excuses or grading changes
  • Forged Physicals for athletes
  • Stolen and/ or forged in-school documents (passes, readmits, etc.)
  • Forged parent notes

*Taken from the Student Guide for Academic Dishonesty, UCLA and the Honor Policy, Nathaniel Narbonne H.S.



Any student(s) who is proven to have violated the King/ Drew Honor policy will face the following consequences:


First Offense

  1. The student(s) directly involved will earn a grade of zero on the assignment/test.
  2. The teacher will contact the parent/guardian and explain the incident.
  3. The counselor will follow up with the parent/guardian and explain future consequences.


Second Offense

  1. The student(s) directly involved will earn a grade of zero on the assignment/test.
  2. The teacher will contact the parent/ guardian and explain the incident.
  3. The counselor will follow up with the parent/ guardian and explain future consequences.
  4. A document of offense will be placed in the student’s file in both the Dean’s and Counseling Offices.


Third Offense

  1. The student(s) directly involved will earn a grade of zero on the assignment/ test.
  2. The teacher will contact the parent/guardian and explain the incident.
  3. The counselor will follow up with the parent/guardian and explain future consequences.
  4. A document of offense will be placed in the student’s file in both the Dean’s and Counseling Office.
  5. The student’s name will be placed on the “King/Drew No Recommendation List” that is kept in the College Office and the Counseling Office. Student(s) will lose the privilege of receiving recommendation letters from King/Drew staff.
  6. The Dean and an Administrator will meet with the student and parent/guardian and the student will be placed on a final contract.


Fourth Offense

The student’s Magnet permit will be canceled and the student will return to his or her school of residence.



  • At orientation, the Dean or other faculty member will explain the policy to parents and students.
  • At the beginning of each school year, all teachers will explain the policy.
  • All teachers will refer to the policy in their syllabi.
  • Each student and their parents/guardians will sign the honor code and return it to their homeroom teacher.
  • Signed forms will be collected and held in the Counseling Office.
  • The policy will be reiterated during homeroom and all regular classes at the beginning of second semester.
  • The Dean or counselor will review the student’s file to determine if this is the first or a repeat offense and will follow the appropriate steps outlined above.