Students will be ineligible for school activities if the students receive 3 or more U’s in work habits and/or cooperation or 2 or more fails in academic classes. Ineligible Lists are published every 5 weeks. Students remain on the Ineligible List until the next grading period.
Seniors must sign a contract in their senior year. This contract allows for participation in Senior Class activities, including the senior prom and the graduation ceremony. Seniors are expected to pass all classes, and not receive more than 2 U’s in work habits and/or cooperation in order to participate in senior activities, as well as other school sponsored activities. Excessive absences, detentions, and/or misconduct will jeopardize, limit, or eliminate participation in senior activities. Senior activities are a privilege, not a right.
Students learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic athletics, including lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition, healthy lifestyles, and how to win and lose gracefully. Competition adds to our school and community spirit and helps all students, spectators, as well as participants develop pride in their school and community.
Our athletes are ambassadors for our schools both on and off the field of competition. Academics always take priority over any extracurricular activity. The discipline policies in the “Student/Parent Handbook” always take priority in regards to athletics and/or extracurricular activities. Participation in athletics is completely voluntary. The school reserves the right to revoke or restrict the privilege of participation for any student if he/she fails to live up to expectations and standards set forth by King/Drew.
For example: