King/Drew Magnet High School Of Medicine And Science

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Community Inquiry Project » Year 2 (Pilot) - Research Design

Year 2 (Pilot) - Research Design

Facilitators: Michael Ng and Maricela Lopez
Wednesdays 3:45-4:45 in Room 303
The Research Design Seminar acts as the pilot for Year 2 Project Design. In this course, students have opportunity to explore ethnographic research alongside other methods of data collection (surveys, interviews, focus groups, experiments, archival study, mixed methods, etc). The goal of this program is to transfer research skills to their own inquiries whilst surveying community knowledge on climate change and health. Upon data collection, students will analyze/interpret, pose questions, and make recommendations based on their findings. Guest speakers, lecturers, and professionals from both the climate and health sectors will be invited to further support student learning and research.
Course Content
  • Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples 3rd Edition by Linda Tuhiwai Smith
  • Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants (2013) by Robin Wall Kimmerer 
  1. Community-Based Research Methods
    1. Ethnography
    2. Grassroots v. Institutional Change
    3. Morals & Ethics (IRB)
  2. Data Sources
    1. Advantages and limitations
    2. Historical use of each type of data
  3. ArcGIS StoryMaps